So, what is a funnel chart?
Wikipedia defines funnel chart as the kind of chart used to represent stages in a Sales process and show the amount of potential revenue for each stage. Funnel chart displays values as progressively decreasing proportions amounting to 100 percent in total.
To help us build a case, lets think of the normal process for acquiring customers or selling products and services.
This could resemble something like this.

Note: This case assumes you’re running Facebook, LinkedIn and Google ads whereby you manage to reach 2,500 people within your target niche, out of these, 986 visit your landing page and 197 of them register for your webinar, with only 25 of them converting to actual customers by purchasing whatever service you’re offering.
This might not perfectly match your organization’s customer acquisition process but at least it helps us contextualize this article.
Looking at the flow above, at a summary level the data might be something this;

With this data we ask ourselves the following, how can we create a funnel chart to help us depict proportion of customer acquisition at different stages?
Below are two techniques to create a simple funnel chart in Tableau.
First technique
Once you’ve loaded the sample data to Tableau;
Drag dimension field Stage to the rows shelf
Drag measure field Population to the columns shelf
Sort Stage descending by Population
Under marks card select Area

Next create the calculated field – Population Inverse

(This calculation helps us create the view above, only that this time is reversed)
Drag this field to the columns shelf just before the aggregated field SUM(Population)

Label the view by;
Dragging dimension field Stage to the label shelf of first chart & aligning the labels.
Dragging measure field Population to the label shelf of second chart, computing percentage of the total and aligning the labels we’ve;

Second technique
The second technique is simple, it entails the following;
Drag measure field Population to the rows shelf
Drag dimension field Stage to the color shelf
Sort Stage descending by Population

Next, drag measure field Population to the Size shelf
Under Size shelf expand size of the view.

Label the view by;
Dragging the dimension field Stage to the label shelf
Dragging the measure field Population to the label shelf and computing percentage of the total we’ve;

And there we’ve it.
From this simple funnel chart.
Conversion of a prospect in the targeted niche into a paying customer is at 0.67% according to this dummy data. While converting a prospect in the targeted niche to a qualified lead (those registered to watch a webinar) is at 5.31%.
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