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  • Bernard K

Using the SPLIT () function in Tableau

Updated: Aug 28, 2021

How to split a field into multiple fields in tableau

We use SPLIT () function to split a string field into multiple fields. For example, if your data contains a string field that contains multiple units of information for example the first and last name of a customer – sometimes you can split these multiple units of information into separate fields to help you answer questions requiring one unit of the multiple units.

To split a field into multiple fields, you can use the Split or Custom Split options or write a simple calculated field.

Split or Custom Split option

Using Sample-Superstore data set, you can split the field Customer Name into multiple fields (that is, First Name and Last Name). By opening the drop-down menu and select Split.

using split option to a field into multiple fields in tableau

Note, using this option Tableau will identify the common separator between the values (in this case a SPACE) and use it to split the values.

Resulting view….

resulting table after splitting the fields

Alternatively, you can use Custom Split…. option.

using custom split option to a field into multiple fields in tableau

Note this option prompts you to specify the common separator to be used in splitting the fields (that is a SPACE for this case) and the part you’re splitting-off (First, Last or All values).

custom split in tableau

(In this case, am using a SPACE as the common separator and I will be splitting-off all values)

Resulting view….

resulting table after splitting fields using custom split in tableau

Using a calculated field to split a field

The syntax for splitting a field looks as follows,

SPLIT (string, delimiter, token number)

String – this is the string field you would like to split in this case ‘Customer Name’.

Delimiter – the part of string to split at (the common separator).

Token number – The part of the string to return, after the delimiter. Note a positive number instructs the function to work from left to right, while a negative number instructs the function to work from right to left.

For example, to split-off the first name of the field Customer Name, I can create the following calculated field.

splitting off the first name of a field in tableau

While to split-off the Last name of the field Customer Name, I can use any of the following calculations. (Assuming every Customer Name contains two names separated by a SPACE).

splitting off the last name of a field in tableau
splitting off the last name of a field in tableau

See the results of the above calculations.

resulting table

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Bernard K

Analytics Consultant | 3X Tableau Certified

Bernard is a data analytics consultant helping businesses reveal the true power of their data and bring clarity to their reporting dashboards. He loves building things and sharing knowledge on how to build dashboards that drive better outcomes.

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