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Spine Chart in Tableau

Writer's picture: Bernard KilonzoBernard Kilonzo
spine chart in tableau

What is a spine chart?

Spine chart is a visualization that shows at a glance how one area compares with others across a range of indicators. Summary statistics of each measure such as the average are aligned to form one central line or ‘spine’ on the chart. This spine is the comparator and is usually the national or regional average to which local area values are compared. Most often the vertebrae show the range of values – the minimum, maximum, 25th and 75th percentiles. Area specific values are placed on top of these summaries, allowing the viewer to understand how the area compares with the rest of areas for that measure. Most often, color is applied on the area specific values to represent significance of its value compared to the comparator.

Example of a spine chart.

example of spine chart

How do you create a spine chart in Tableau?

Using OECD data on old age dependency ratio computed from people aged 65 and more and people aged 15 to 64. I will show you how to create a spine chart in Tableau. Get the data here to follow along.

  • Connect to the data to Tableau and pivot it to create the ‘Year’ and ‘Dependency ratio’ columns.

  • Drag dimension ‘City’ to the rows shelf and measure field ‘Dependency ratio’ to the columns – AVG(Dependency ratio).

  • Choose ‘Circles’ under marks.

  • You can filter a single ‘Country’ to minimize the view –have filtered ‘Italy’ for this example.

tableau chart

Compute Country’s average, Max, Min , Lower quantile and Upper quantile of each city as follows;

tableau calculated field
tableau calculated field
tableau calculated field
tableau calculated field
tableau calculated field

Drag all the five calculations above to the detail shelf.

tableau chart

Right click on the axis to add the first reference line 'Countries average' as follows;

tableau reference lines

Next add a second reference line – inform of a band to show the Min and Max values

tableau reference bands

Executing this we’ve;

spine chart

Adding the third reference line- inform of a band to show the Upper and Lower quantiles.

Tableau reference lines

Color can be added to show significance of values being compared with the comparator. In this case, have used the following calculation to show cities whose average is above or below country's average.

tableau calculation

Adding this calculation to color shelf we’ve;

spine chart

For more details, you can interact with the live dashboard embedded below.

I hope this post was helpful to you. To receive more of the Tableau tips and tricks kindly subscribe to our mailing list below.

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