Before Tableau 2023.1, adding dynamic axis titles to views was a little sketchy and involving. You needed to create extra worksheets containing the titles, then merge the views with title worksheets on the dashboard to render the dynamic axis title effect.
With the release of Tableau 2023.1, you can now add dynamic axis titles right in your worksheets without much hassle.
To demonstrate this, I have created the following dynamic scatter plot by leveraging Tableau parameters.
With this view, you can adjust dynamically which measure is applied on the X-axis and Y-axis respectively using the parameters. Notice, when values are adjusted on the parameters – the axis title doesn’t change to reflect the active measures - but rather remains labeled as ‘X-axis measure’ and ‘Y-axis measure’ respectively.
This can be corrected using the dynamic axis title feature introduced in Tableau 2023.1.
To apply the dynamic axis title,
Right-click on the axis >> Edit Axis…
On the open dialogue box, under Axis Titles – change the selection from Custom to the respective parameters.
Repeat the same for other dynamic axes.
Notice now, when you change the values on the parameters, the axis titles adjust to match the current selection on the parameters.
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