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Tableau tips: Set actions - Proportional brushing

Tableau set actions

In the previous article on proportional brushing, we explored on how to use Level of details (LOD) expressions to enable use of a dimension field to highlight proportion of dimension fields’ member on another chart.

In today’s article, we will take a different approach for the same results. We’ll be using the newly introduced feature in Tableau 2018.3 called set action.

Once connected to the Superstores data sets.

Step 1: Create view of Sales by Region

  • Drag dimension field Region to the rows shelf

  • Drag measure field Sales to the columns shelf

bar chart

Step 2: Create a set using dimension Region

create tableau sets

Step 3: Create view of Sales by Sub-Category

  • Drag dimension field Sub-Category to the rows shelf

  • Drag Measure field Sales to the columns shelf

  • Drag the set created above - Region set - to the color shelf

  • Add dimension field Region to the details shelf

bar chart

Step 4: Create a dashboard containing the two views above

tableau  dashboard

Step 5: Add a set action

Under the dashboard menu >> select >>Actions….

dashboard actions

Under Add Action choose >> Change Set Values…

adding tableau actions

Under Add Set Action menu

  • Select Source sheetSheet 1 for my case – Region view

  • Run action – Action runs on hovering

  • Data sourceSample Superstore

  • Target setRegion set

  • Behavior on clearing selection – Keep set values

editing set actions

Executing this we’ve

bar chart

You will agree with me that this view doesn’t differ in any case from the results of the previous article. I hope it was helpful to you.

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