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Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Tableau 2019.1 new features

This post is a little late, because it explores some of the powerful features launched with Tableau 2019.1 early this year. Nevertheless, I’ll brief explore some of these features to help Tableau user’s fully exploit the power of this great tool.

Nested Sorting

If you ever tried this function in the previous versions of Tableau, you’ll agree that sorting data was quite peculiar and obeyed unclear path. To sort data, you either had to create a combined field or a rank function. But with Tableau 2019.1, sorting nested data is a simple as selecting the sort icon on the toolbar or axis.

Automatic dashboards phone layouts

This is a powerful feature when creating dashboards for mobile environment. Previously you could use Device Designer to customize dashboards for different devices – which was tedious in a way. But, now at a click of a button you can add phone layout with minimal editing required to fine-tune your dashboards.

See below;

URL actions improvement

This additional feature allows users to target specific web pages for dashboards with more than one web page integrated in it. Unlike previous versions where this action would trigger the same web-page, with this new feature authors now have more control in designing and delivering of analytical content.

Export to PowerPoint

For those who like PowerPoint deck, Tableau remembered you too. You can now quickly and with ease export your dashboards as a PPTX. Tableau automatically adds a date and time stamp to your PPTX to show when the file was created.

Naming dashboard items & containers

Now, renaming of dashboards items, e.g. zones and layout containers has been enabled in this version. Making editing of dashboards or even reviewing work done by other experts easier.

Other features include additional data connectors e.g. a connector to Google Ads data.

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Bernard K

Analytics Consultant | 3X Tableau Certified

Bernard is a data analytics consultant helping businesses reveal the true power of their data and bring clarity to their reporting dashboards. He loves building things and sharing knowledge on how to build dashboards that drive better outcomes.

Let’s discuss your data challenges! Let’s work together!

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