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Tableau tips: Dynamic Labelling of Number Values

Dynamic labelling of values in Tableau

This article is a recap of one of the previous article titled – Dynamic formatting of values. Basically, in this previous article we explored a ‘simple’ technique one could use to enable dynamic formatting of numbers – assuming numbers are ranging from small to large numbers, literally any natural number.

(The snapshot below is a sample data used in the previous article, which we’re going to use in this case too)

sample data

I must admit that the previous procedure was long and tedious. And therefore, in this article we’ll explore a simpler technique, inspired by a post written by Juan Manuel, a tableau consultant through his LinkedIn profile.

To demonstrate the practicality of this technique, let’s create a sample data as shown above, or you can download the data here to follow along.

The application of this technique is based on a single calculation which is applied as a label. Here is the calculation.

tableau calculation

Once you’ve created this calculation field.

  • Drag dimension ID to the rows shelf

  • Drag the measure field Value to the rows shelf and convert it to a discrete value

  • Drag the calculated field created above -Dynamic Label - to the label shelf

Note: This will create a fully formatted view, with numbers labelled appropriately according to the customization of the calculation above.

data table

Note: In the same way, this technique can be applied in other form of visualization by using the calculated field - Dynamic Label - as a label.

I know you MUST admit that this technique is much simpler when compared with the previous article. I believe this article was helpful to you. To receive more of the Tableau tips and tricks, kindly join our mailing list by subscribing below.

Thank you for reading.

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