Dumbbell chart also known as DNA chart due to their appearance which looks similar to strands of DNA when they are in horizontal orientation are used for illustrating change between two points.
Dumbbell chart best practices
Axis should be clearly labelled.
Use distinct color code to distinguish the two categories being compared.
Provide additional details on the tooltip.
Example of a dumbbell chart
Therefore, this article will help you learn how to build a dumbbell chart in Tableau. Using some dummy data on roofing structures by province in Kenya, connect to Tableau app and follow the guide below.
Step 1: Build a simple dual chart
Drag dimension field Province to the rows shelf.
Drag measure field Percent to columns shelf. (Note, the field is aggregated by SUM() ).
Hold down CTRL key and drag SUM(Percent) to the column shelf next to the same aggregated field (duplicate the chart).
See resulting view.
Make the charts dual.
Note, my chart changes from bar to circles, if your case is different you can rectify this by selecting Circle under marks card.
Synchronize the axis.
Step 2: Add color to the chart
Under marks card, select both the two charts.
Drag dimension field Roof Structure to the color shelf.
Step 3: Introduce Roof Structure to the path
Change the marks card of any of the overlapping charts from Circle to a Line.
Drag dimension field Roof Structure to the Path shelf of the Line chart.
Doing some formatting we’ve.
From this chart, insights can be drawn without much struggle. For instance, one can spot that the Central & Rift Valley province have the highest percent use of both the roof structures. Use of Asbestos sheets tops in all the provinces except in Central province where use of Corrugated iron sheets surpasses that of Asbestos sheets.
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