A short compilation on checklist for data visualization assignment. Does your dashboard exhibit the following?
The dashboard tells a clear story – each part of it connects.
No unneeded visualizations – every element of the viz is aiding the user in interpreting the story.
Users can read and interpret the dashboard without prior knowledge of the viz – the visualization is damn simple.
Space is used efficiently
No unnecessary borders between the visualizations
Abbreviations are used where necessary
Users can understand metrics displayed by the static dashboard without further interaction
Where values are unlabeled due to space constrains, the limitation is clearly recognized
No typos or truncation
Visualizations are well aligned
The dashboard is pleasing
Use of color legend is consistent in the visualizations
Where annotations are used, no hindrance of data interpretation
Title of the dashboard and visualizations is clear and understandable
The dashboard has an information button/icon/menu – providing more details about data used, any action taken on the data before visualization, and further details on how to interact with the viz
The dashboard loads quickly – complex calculations which can slow the dashboard are minimized - as large number of users suffer from short attention span – with no time for slow dashboards.
The display of the published dashboard is well checked and rectified in case of distortion.
These are some of the few elements to check whenever you are developing a dashboard. The applicability can vary from one dashboard to another.
Which of these checklist items do you think is the most important for you? Which one is unnecessary? Which one is missing?
Thank you for reading.