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Dual Chart - Multiple Metric Comparison

Multiple comparison of fields in Tableau

Coming up with the right data story sometimes can be challenging. Balancing users’ needs and minimizing unnecessary data noise while strictly sticking with your story can even be difficulty. Good news is, having a rich resource of ideas and ways to handle different data sets and data demands can always prove helpful in such circumstances. Therefore, in this article you learn a second way to visualize several data metrics in your data assignments.

In one of the previous articles, we demonstrated a simple technique to compare several data metrics. The technique involved use of a dynamic scatter plot to compare several metrics using – a parameter with x-axis and y-axis.

gif chart

In todays’ article, we will device a better way to compare four metrics at ago, this doesn’t involve use of parameters, rather it involves a simple dual chart – bar & circle – and color cue to create the view below.


Allow users to compare – Sales, Profit, Quantity & Discount – for different product Sub-Category in different Regions where Superstore operate.

bar chart

So, how do I create this view?

Using Superstores data set, lets recreate the view above.

Create a simple Bar chart using Sub-Category & one measure field - Sales.

  • Drag dimension field Sub-Category to the rows shelf.

  • Drag measure field Sales to the columns shelf.

  • Select Bar under marks card.

  • Sort Sub-Category descending by Sales.

bar chart

Create a holding field using this calculation.

tableau calculation

This calculation will help us add a dual chart inform of a circle. Basically, this calculation defines the point where our circles will be plotted – slightly below zero.

To achieve this;

WINDOWS_AVG(SUM([Sales])) – This formula aligns metrics for all Sub-Category's at the windows average.

Multiplying above by *-.1; Converts the windows average value to a number below zero – a negative number. ( Reason being, we need to plot our circles right before the bars).

Note: Your multiplying factor doesn’t necessarily need to be -.1, it can be any other value that positions your points appropriately at the right position - i.e a negative number close to zero e.g. -.001, -.05 ,-.01.

Add calculated field – Holding field - to the view

  • Drag now calculated field – Holding field – to the columns shelf next to the field SUM([Sales]).

  • Make the charts dual and synchronize the axis.

  • Change the second chart – Holding field - to a circle.

bar chart + circles
  • Create calculated field – Rank Discount.

  • This field will help us rank Sub-Category’s in order of discounts awarded.

tableau table calculation

Now, let’s build our viz

While on the Circle chart – 2nd chart;

  • Drag the measure field – Quantity – to the color shelf.

  • Next, drag measure field – Rank Discount – to the label shelf & align labels to the center.

Switch to the first chart – Bar;

  • Drag measure field – Profit – to the color shelf.

  • Format your view appropriately and align all labels.

bar chart

Interpreting the view

Size of bar = Sales made.

Color of the bar = Profitability.

Label within the circle = Amount in discount (rank).

Color of circle = Quantity.

For instance; The Binders Sub-Category, is fifth in Sales, offered the highest discounts, its products were sold in higher quantities and was more profitable than Table Sub-Category which made more Sales.

Another take, the bottom five product Sub-Category’s by Sales offered low discounts when compared to the top five Sub-Category’s by Sales.

bar chart gif

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